Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chocolate Trail Mix Clusters

The credit for this awesome, yet simple sweet treat recipe really must be given to my dear college roommate, Jill. While the rest of us were quite happy to subsist on a diet of Easy Mac, Tostitos, and beer, our resident "Suzy homemaker" always made sure that we had a good, home-cooked meal. Jill could cook and bake well, talents os which the rest of us were completely in awe. I have such vivid, wonderful memories of coming home to our college house, famished from the gym and hours of class, and finding Jill in the Bradway kitchen cooking up a hearty pasta dish (yes, we ate a lot of pasta in those days- we were poor college kids afterall). Bless her heart, I probably owe a few of my Freshman 15 to Jill's domesticity and superior baking skills. Cookies, cakes, candies, you name it; girlfriend could bake it.

This recipe for my Chocolate Trail Mix Clusters is adapted from one that Jill used to make around the holidays. These awesome treats are incredibly easy to make, super versatile, and the best part, gluten-free! Enjoy!

Chocolate Trail Mix Clusters

-2 (3.5 oz) bars of unsweetened dark chocolate
-3 tbsp organic peanut butter
-2-3 tbsp honey
-3-4 cups of trail mix*

*Trail mix options include raisins, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, butterscotch chips, marshmallows, coconut flakes. I like to let the kids pick out the ingredients they want to use. This recipe is never twice the same.
In a saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate, honey, and peanut butter, stirring constantly.  Once it is completely melted, turn off heat and add your desired ingredients.

Drop in clusters on waxed paper.  Refrigerate for about 2-3 hours.  Enjoy!!
chocolate trail mix clusters

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